
It would have been interesting to have discovered if the candidate I voted for would have done things somewhat differently than Gov Walz concerning the furlough and unemployment pandemic caused by overreactive federal, state, and local government bureaucrats plus media-exacerbated hype involving Coronacovid flu, which destroyable-by-direct-sunlight virus has been and being mostly transmitted by hand contact here and there, not so much cough-infected air dispersed out in open outdoors fresh air.

Particular disturbing and hypocritical has been lockouts against "essential/non-essential"? churches excluding handshaking/huggie-habitual congregants interspersed less than favorable extents of proximity spacing, which also has been termed adversive and unfriendly and subtly-hostile "Antisocial Distancing".

True, Coronacovid-carrying shoppers intermingling on Sunday mornings usually neither hug nor kiss cashiers nor other anonymous shoppers in Cub Food or Walmart grocery stores, nor in gas-pump service stations.

But the lack of work will have tremendous dire effects on American economy, with Trump and Senate Republicans blamed.

Again, what concerns many is not the reasonably remote chance of them getting recuperation-probable Corona flu, but of overreactive paranoid city and state and federal government bureaucrats along with irrationally superstitous (sometimes face-mask-wearing) sheeple imposing needless, arbitrarily-determined, indefinite, insensitive, ridiculously overbroad, and highly inconveniencing quarantine and lockout mandates, restrictions, and regulations, especially involving loss of employment and income causing inability to pay recurring monthly expenses.

The Corner Rxchange

Trump said that HE does NOT plan to wear a face mask during finite Corona propagation, and said that the CDC advice for Americans to wear one is NOT law but instead is merely VOLUNTARY. And NO one should be forced to be saliva nor blood tested when they obviously are healthy.

State Governors, City Mayors, TV anchors and reporters, clergy, etc. must have the same mindset.

Reasonable public interpersonal non-contact and proximity spacing, handwashing, hands and fingers away from face, cough and sneeze diversion, and other good sleep, food, exercise hygiene, and prayer for protection to Christ Jesus are quite adequate to lessen contagious spread of Corona, even in enclosed confines.

Being that 80% of the transmission of Coronacovid is caused by infected hands and not airborne, with certain sensible exceptions, it is best to NOT wear face masks in public to not frighten essential people, to not cause them needless apprehension, suspicion, and disruptive confusion -- UNLESS mask wearers, not simply brainwashed into superstitious overreactive paranoia by exaggerated and subversive media hype -- INDEED have come down with Corona symptoms themselves and are irresponsibly and ineffectively trying to not contagiously pass it on . . . instead of respectfully simply quarantining themselves temporarily in isolationist seclusion.

CDC Dr Fauci agrees:

CDC's Dr Fauci agrees!

Distancing-mandates apprehension, fear of forced testing and forced qurantine upon returning to work or applying for a new job, public facemask-requirement confusion, police-arrest fears for not staying at home, singular reliance upon deferred hope of getting strings-attached Unemployment Benefits and $1200 IRS-involved Stimulus . . . are going to substantially wreck American economy, and render it wide open for terrorist attacks of all nationwide-paralyzing types.

Because of activist socialism-brainwashed rebellious young voters and subversive-network-media propaganda, Trump will be blamed, but if woman-VP-selecting Biden was not such a baggage-laden, homo-and-abortion-supporting, quasi-senile, molesting-perv, mean-old, sly-and-deceitful bastard, Trump would be ousted come Nov 2020. But IF 007-like classy James Comey, and his sensible male VP running mate, ran against Trump/Pence, I am afraid Trump would barely lose.

- Biden Molesting-Females Pix

- Biden, Hypocritical Ukrainian Extortionist

- Overreactive Coronacovid Hype Media Question and Solution

Other than Texas and Florida, several states have issued sensible exemptions for religious events - states with limited numbers of coronavirus cases or even populations of older people.

Some presume the way to restart the economy is forced and involuntary urine, saliva, temperature, or blood testing to certify perfectly healthy individuals or even those exhibiting chills, muscle aches, unusual fever,sniffles or occasionsl sneezes related to seasonal or other allergies or involve some other cause(s) than specifically Corona flu (which type of flu the substantial majority have recovered from), before resuming employment.

However, each person himself or herself honestly and realistically knows if he or she is sick enough or getting sick enough to quarantine themself at home, and does not need a doctor, clinic, nor hospital to test nor inform them, nor wear a silly, ineffective, scary face mask in public, nor intermingle closely with Corona carriers in grocery stores on Sunday mornings instead of spacing themself out without hand-shaking, hugging, or kissing physical contact before and after sedately sitting in church pews.

All that's required to jump start employment is to unlock the buildings they've been working in before the overreactive Corona media hype caused a financially-devastating ridiculous lockout, and simply start working again - disregarding overreactive "medical experts" along with superstitious governors, mayors, media, and other tyrannical absurdly-paranoid deviates like them.

Follow cleanliness and segregation laws in the Torah (plus New Testament) and do whatever the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus directs you as to judicious public assembly and proximity, guided by not merely Peter's non-defiant Romans-13-counterbalancing assertion "we must obey God rather than man" but also the healthful non-reckless command: "Do not put the Lord your God to the test."

There is a crucial misunderstanding and superstitious presumption (not assumption) rampant among many in the global (and even medical) community about who is contagiously infected (and infecting) with Corona, and who is not contagiously infected (and infecting) with "COVID-19".

We all, healthy or unhealthy, carry every disease known and not known to inflict or capable of inflicting humankind (not mankind).

But we whose immune system is strong enough to overcome any and all detrimental bacteria and viruses, preventing us from succombing to such, are not in any way infectious transmitters or carriers of whatever which others, with weaker immune systems, come down with or contract.

The latter, and only them, are the ones who are the infectious carriers of aberrant disease phenomena.

For example, someone who has recently exhibited trembling or dizziness with chills, obviously is repeatedly sneezing and snotting, is and in the process of being, an infectious carrier and transmitter.

It behooves such an active (contagious) carrier and transmitter to wear a face mask in public, but better yet, remain at home in bed to recuperate in self-treatment against (not of) this media-hyped but quite-treatable type of flu realistically no more severe nor unusual than any other type of common flu.

There is a silver lining for Sunday-thru-Saturday open-door grocery stores letting infectious Corona carriers in to intermingle for sometimes a few hours . . . while demanding churches be locked against mere one-hour visits by healthy Christians:

1. No genocidal church shootings

2. No noisy children disrupting church services, thus accommodating to applied implications of Isaiah 3:12.

3. No indecently-hairstyled inferior-gender sexually-assaulting/abusing with inconsiderately-selfish insubordinately-feminist-sexist mopheadedness and thus exhibiting, flaunting, and displaying themselves as porn-lookalike harlots on pews inciting to internet porn and even masseuse/escort harlotry.

4. No women reading Bible verses from the pulpit so as to not violate Song of Solomon 2:14, 1st Cor. 14:33-38, and 1st Tim.2:11-15.

5. Less work for the church janitor.

6. More retained in wallets instead of going into collection plates of those who incessantly mouth the mantra of God accepting everyone in unconditional love no matter what they do and have done - including shoplift stealing at Walmart, running red stoplights, running over pedestrians in corner crosswalks, blaspheming the Holy Spirit, and rejecting Christ Jesus as Lord and Savior.

Now, non-essential loose-long-haired mopheaded news-media anchoresses and reporteresses are next to sequester and quarantine with indefinite extreme social distancing. And that virtually is done very easily with TV remote control Mute ankd Channel Change buttons.

Men to Rule

St Matthew Oratorio, by Bach

St John Oratorio, by Bach

As you would for an evening drive-in movie, call your church friends and all of you together park your cars in your favorite church's parking lot Sunday morn for one hour (after going potty at home first) and eat breakfast, picked up at a Taco Bell, Burger King, McDonald's, or Wendy's drive thru - while listening on your smartphones to Baptist hymns and avoid viewing pornographically-exhibitionist indecently-hairstyled perv inferior-gender mopheads or those carnally-mindless females needlessly and lewdly exposing nude arms and naked legs walking or jogging or biking nearby during anti-coronacovid warming outdoor temperatures.

Start your post-Easter worship (as healthy persons with strong immune systems not wearing silly-looking scary face masks to counteract unrealistic superstitious fears about ridiculously-overexaggerated airborne transmission of Coronacovid contagion) by watching Halleluia, by Beethoven

When church reopens, triple your offering-plate donations for several weeks to compensate for lockouts depriving church of operating expenses and missionary contribution money so utility bills can finally be paid.

Testing healthy persons for Coronacovid has never once saved anyone's life. Threatening to test those has never encouraged anyone to return to their jobs.

Testing persons actively afflicted with obvious admitted or non-admitted Coronacovid-only symptoms has never cured them, but merely results in indefinite arbitrary durations of quarantining and re-testing them only (not healthy persons) with increased testing expense against everyone and consequential media hype involved.

The reason that we non-masked non-tested non-symptomatic healthy are faultless pertaining to not testing others probably not inflicted or not inflicting with Coronacovid is that we cannot force stupid irresponsible persons from doing what it takes to allow themselves to get sick.

If they disregard or fight against common-sense hygiene, they themselves are to blame and no one else.

Unreasonable-cause mandatory blood, urine, nostril-swab, temperature, saliva, and drug testing is illegal unconstitutional invasion of privacy, both as to individual citizens and as as to corporate employees.

Obvious infliction with disease evidenced by physician-observable-then-physician-tested display of infectious symptoms does allow for temporary, perhaps forced, exclusion prohibiting company entrance to avoid lawsuits of company negligence and reckless public endangerment.

It has been inferred by Jesus Christ that there are many mindless cowards who conform to being with the herd on the highway to Hell, but few courageously-brave, non-defiant-but-instead-practical, true-to-reality and common-sense on the path to Heaven. Such is strikingly obvious as to the superstitious now following unscientific partisan-bias-driven government edict who wear face masks and advocate mandatory medical testing for re-employment . . . contrasted with healthy and sensible God-fearing not government-bureaucrat-fearing, realistic not rebel healthy who neither wear face masks nor advocate testing healthy persons.

Actually, all this Coronacovid scenario situation is a foreshadowing of the near-future damnable majority voluntarily accepting the Satan-allegiance-complying, perhaps-tattoo-ID-chip, commercial-transactions-enabling, 666-numbered, Mark of the Beast on right hand or forehead prophesied in the New Testament book of Revelation, chapters 13 through 20

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Questions to ask a ring-less young woman who, by her verbally asking and/or touching whatever on your body reasonably indicates that she wants to have sex with you:

1. Are you, or have you been, married or have a boyfriend? [ If "yes,' stop and politely escape; if "no," proceed ]

2. Are you a Bible-believing Christian who always wants to completely obey all of God's moral laws perfectly with the help of the Lord Jesus Christ? [ if "no," stop and politely escape; if "yes," proceed ]

3. Are you now willing for us to take mutual selfie smartphone videos of us? [ with you stating: "I, (female name), on this calendar date of (day month, year), do hereby consensually regard you as my permanent and only husband, to lovingly let you affectionately and forever rule over my submissive body and mind as your faithful sexual spouse, so help me God" and with me stating:

"I, (male name), on this calendar date of (day, month, year), do hereby consensually regard you as my permanent spouse, to lovingly let you affectionately and forever rule over my loving body and mind as your faithful sexual spouse, so help me God" ]

[ if "no," stop and politely escape,

  if "yes," proceed making the two
common-law-marriage-agreement-videos ]

Alternate Forms:

Mate-Selection Prep Form

Mate-Selection Exam Form

Mate-Selection Acceptance Form